Data quality, the main challenge in fashion supply chain management

In the fashion industry, there are many supply chain traceability solutions that are based on data collection by sending documents.

But are we sure they are the best solution?

Having so many documents forces you to do a mountain of data entry without real collaboration with the supply chain. But this is not the real problem.

How can we base the data quality and therefore the level of traceability of a document? That’s the point!

What if the data is incorrect? If that data were the basis for further statements, such as impact reports or statements of sustainability, and transparency, it would all be based on a lie.

We differentiate ourselves from other traceability systems because we directly involve your suppliers to collect primary data, the original data derived from your direct stakeholder. To avoid relying on secondary data that are not verified by the actual data owner.

Often, the distinction between primary and secondary data is the data owner.

“Primary data are the original data derived from your direct stakeholder. Secondary data are data derived from your primary data.”

How to document traceability: the base of data quality

Document traceability is often a risk because it is based on declarations and not on data taken in the field.

Traceability should be a step within the work cycle to ensure objective proof and the data quality.

From sending the materials to the factories -> From the tests sent to the laboratories -> To the creation of the finished product.

Everything is tracked through QR codes that provide data in real-time and certify its quality.

These data are useful not only to have control of the entire production process but above all to make the most effective strategic choices for the business, such as:
• reduce waste;
• know the amount of unused material;
• know the performance of your suppliers: who is the best, who does not track materials, who respects delivery times, etc.

All this information cannot be frozen in a document, because it is dynamic, it changes, and you have to know it as it unfolds.

How to create a strong trust with your customers

Are you ready to build a relationship of trust with your customers on unreliable and not-quality data?

Do you want to book a demo to get more details on how to ‘escape’ this scenario? Book a free demo call.

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