Supply chain mapping, the first step to achieving control

Supply chain mapping is a powerful tool that can help businesses optimize their operations and get control of your supply chain.

It is a process that involves identifying and analyzing the suppliers that make up the supply chain and all the steps involved in getting a product or service from the supplier to the end customer.

By mapping out the supply chain, businesses can gain valuable insights into their operations, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately increase efficiency and profitability.

In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of supply chain mapping and provide some best practices for getting started.

As we will se supply chain mapping offers numerous benefits, including increased visibility into their suppliers and operations, and enhanced collaboration with suppliers and customers. By understanding the entire supply chain, businesses can identify potential bottlenecks, reduce costs, and improve the overall efficiency of their operations.

Why do you need Supply Chain Mapping?

The concept of supply chain transparency was virtually unknown 15 years ago, yet today it commands the attention of mid- and senior-level managers across a broad spectrum of companies and industries.

The reasons for this increased interest are clear: companies are under pressure from governments, consumers, NGOs, and other stakeholders to divulge more information about their supply chains, and the reputational cost of failing to meet these demands can be high

The only way for companies to ensure “clean” supply chains is by mapping them down the raw materials using auditable, verifiable data. 

What is Supply Chain Mapping in the fashion industry? 

People have been mapping supply chains as long as they’ve been making traditional tool, but these only provide a summary view. They don’t show how supply chains change in real-time

Modern supply chain mapping is the process of engaging companies and suppliers to document the exact source of every material, every process, and every shipment involved in bringing goods to market.

It represents an analysis phase, the beginning of a more structured process of traceability and data collection.

 It is a good starting point for transparency efforts because it helps you to understand the full scope of your supply chain and identify any potential risks or areas for improvement.

What are the benefits of Supply Chain Mapping?

Through knowledge of our suppliers, first level and subsequent levels, of their working practices and shared information, we can have data and get answers on different areas:

1. Compliance: as mentioned, supplier mapping can help you to be compliant with due diligence laws and regulations related to the social and environmental impact of your supply chain.

2. Risk management: a supplier map can help you to identify potential risks in your supply chain, such as suppliers located in areas prone to natural disasters or suppliers with questionable labor or environmental practices.

3. Sustainability: by mapping your supply chain, you can identify opportunities to make your supply chain more sustainable, such as by working with suppliers that use environmentally-friendly materials or practices.

4. Cost savings: a well-managed supply chain can lead to cost savings through increased efficiency and reduced waste.

To create a supplier map, you will need to gather information about your current suppliers, including their locations, products or materials provided, and any relevant certifications or standards they adhere to. 

Then, you can use this information to create a visual representation of your supply chain.

A partner to help you

Do you want to know how The ID Factory can support you with Supply Chain Mapping? Book a call here.

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