Our Case Study with KH Export India Private Limited

This article revolves around KH Export India Private Limited, a world class tannery that The ID Factory has the pleasure to be working with. They have implemented “Ger IDF Ready” measurement machine some time ago, and now they are ready to offer us their opinion.

We had a conversation with Mr. Malack Mohammed Thameem, Technical Director of KH, and asked him some questions about their experience with the new machine.

Why did you decide to implement a Ger IDF Ready measurement machine equipped with a qr code reader?

KH is able to produce around 2 million square feet of leather per month, serving a great number of customers all around the Globe. At first they asked us to upload and update online all the data related to shipping, and we did it through the IDF app. In the meantime, we were going to buy a new measuring machine and we were in touch with a Ger’s salesman. When we heard about his acquaintance with ID Factory, we asked him to implement a software accordingly.

What were you expecting from the implementation of Ger IDF Ready machine?

Our goal was to satisfy our customers offering a top-notch service, and we definitely did it with the support of Ger/IDF combination.

Was it difficult to merge the use of machine into your production method?

Not really: everyone at KH has got at least a basic software knowledge, and it helped us adopt the new method quickly. Of course, we also appreciated the support from IDF, with a special mention for Ms. Kelly, who has always been really supportive at any point of time.

What is the most important benefit of having implemented the new measuring machine?

We are finally able to satisfy our customers and meet the requirements of the most demanding ones. Beyond that, we have noticed many benefits: the machine is fast, accurate and it has got a certification which is universally accepted. In other words, Ger IDF Ready machine is a production-friendly machine for all kinds of customers around the world.

How does it impact on the sustainability of your production?

Its certification is widely considered reliable and accurate, so we can rest assured that our measurements are correct and we don’t have to worry about measurement-related complaints.

Would you recommend Ger IDF Ready machine to other tanneries? Why?

Definitely. We would like other firms in our industry to enjoy the same benefits that what we have got. In fact, the same machine that we had bought has been displayed at the recently concluded IILF (Chennai 2018), and we have noticed that it intrigued many manufacturers. At the moment the price could look high, but if they can look into it (and I am sure that they will), it would be an opportunity also to the smaller tanneries, which could think about it and buy the machine in the near future.

What would you like to do next? Are you planning the implementation of other machines with some automations?

At the moment we are not planning any further implementations, but we will get in touch with Ger as soon as other buyers require set ups similar to the one we have with IDF. In that case we could ask Ger to add 1 or 2 more softwares to the same machine in order to suit their needs.

Our focus on the implementation of Ger IDF Ready machine by KH Export India Private Limited ends here, but we are eager to collect other opinions and reviews. Stay tuned to keep up with these studies!

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