Laying the foundations for the European Digital Product Passports (DPP)

What is the CIRPASS

CIRPASS stands for “Collaborative Initiative for a Standards-based Digital Product Passport for Stakeholder-Specific Sharing of Product Data for a Circular Economy.”

Funded under the DigitalEurope program, CIRPASS aims to establish the groundwork for the gradual experimentation and dissemination of DPPs from 2023 onwards, with an initial focus on the electronics, batteries, and textile sectors.

What EU legislation is this project based on?

Proposal for Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

What is CIRPASS purpose? 

The goal is to frame existing initiatives related to DPPs and observe general macro trends and existing gaps in alignment with the objectives of the ESPR proposal.

The objective is therefore to clearly define an intersectoral product data model and a DPP system with proven benefits for the circular economy. The CIRPASS project has a timeline of 18 months, starting in October 2022 and lasting until March 2024.

“We are working to assist the Commission in understanding the activities that will be necessary to enable the DPP system. Concurrently, as our understanding of the future DPP and DPP system improves and evolves, we seek to communicate it to the broader community so that we all globally share the same level of understanding of what the DPP is and what it is not.

A significant number of companies are developing “pilots” and DPP solutions. Their purpose is to study the ongoing projects to learn from them and help the Commission understand if it is heading in the right direction.

DPPs are essential to enable the EU’s transition to a circular economy

The circular economy will replace wasteful linear economies by 2029, according to the 2019 Gartner study.

To achieve this, it is necessary to overturn the linear supply chain system and create a complete circular ecosystem.

Through the DPP, CIRPASS helps lay the foundations for such an ecosystem across the value chains in three sectors: batteries, electronics, and textiles, based on common standards.

In particular, the project aims to provide at least three DPP prototypes for the three sectors and reach agreements on key data for circularity and sustainability.

The consortium partners will also work together to provide recommendations for a data exchange protocol and a system architecture, ensuring that the product information contained in the DPP is standardized and machine-readable.

The ID Factory Digital Product Passport

Our digital product passport aims to gather data on a product and its supply chain and share it across entire value chains so all actors, including consumers, have a better understanding of the materials and the impact of the product they use.

For us, the most important thing of the DPP to be useful and decisive towards the law and the respect of consumers is that it is integrated with a hub of traceability data, connected directly with all the supply chain.

Digitizing all this information makes the operational management of the supply chain faster, more efficient and potentially more sustainable.

Given the projects initiated in recent months, we have also join to CIRPASS project and share our solution:

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